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Mobile Device WARNING – Protect your Posture!

Mobile devices are incredibly small light weight and versatile, so working and socialising on the move is fast becoming the norm. The mobile phone is for some, their most prized possession! It holds everything from ones diary, contact list, messages- voicemail, text and email along with other social media; the camera and music features as well as gaming, TV, films and oh yes, the phone!

The problem is how it affects our posture. When was the last time you walked behind ‘headless teenagers,’ so intent on their phones which they hold at waist height, that their head disappears! As well as a hazard to other pedestrians and themselves they are creating problems in the future. The strain on the muscles and the joints will lead to changes in function and posture. Over time it will escalate to earlier degenerative changes in the spine and a heightened probability of symptoms in the neck and shoulders in later life.

Standing to your full height is the spinal posture which should be replicated when sitting adequately supported by your chair, or lying on your mattress. So if you are on your mobile, tablet, note book or lap top your spine should still be in this position. Not only that, but one should move regularly and change from sitting to standing and walking every 10 minutes if possible.

We all have certain levels of stress in our lives tightening our muscles so we do not need a further irritant in the form of a time saving devices making things worse. Hold the phone up to your head; do not bow your head to it. Use tablets in a cover that enables the device to be supported at an angle that is easily visible with the correct spinal posture. Angle lap top and note book screens accordingly or preferably place on a stand in front of you so the screen is level with your eyes, using a remote key board and mouse (correctly positioned of course) further aids good posture.

Following these simple measures can make a big difference over time and reduce the necessity for medical intervention later in life.